So do you look? Do you Chat? Do women look? Do men look? Where do you look?
I had the misfortune to be in a change room with a group of naked women last week. The reason I say misfortune is not because of the company, all these women are Fabulous women. The misfortune is that I HATE have conversations with naked women.
When I am changing I am in stealth mode. I remove and reapply clothing as fast as humanly possible, I keep my head down, stay low and don't make any sudden moves. I am in and out faster than my ex-husband...
So why is it that I always get caught up in a convo with "Naked Chatty Woman" ??? You know who she is...And if you are one, Shame on You...I don't know where to look...!
So I stare you dead in the eye with a serial killer glare and you still insist on making small talk.
The sillies are swinging, the muffin man is RIGHT THERE...I swear to god if you put your leg on that bench to apply moisturizer I am going to EYE PUNCH you...
I am a very social person when I am clothed and not being bumped by boobs and beavers...
So let's take it outside shall we...
Do men do this? Do they talk sports and babes with their "business" on parade?